Environmental Program
Marine Corps Base Camp Blaz Environmental Program Public Source Documents


The natural environment is a key asset to the mission of Marine Corps Base Camp Blaz. Marine Corps Base Camp Blaz will implement good stewardship principles to protect Guam's environmental resources. Camp Blaz will incorporate compliance, best management practices, and consider the interests of the local community into mission execution. 

To this end, Marine Corps Base Camp Blaz will always strive to protect and preserve the land, water, air, and cultural resources within our cognizance by doing the following with transparency:
• Complying with all applicable environmental legislation, regulations and policy
• Implementing pollution prevention through source reduction and recycling
• Conserving natural resources and preserving cultural resources
• Implementing sustainability initiatives
• Minimizing risk to mission
• Conducting appropriate review of potential environmental impacts of all Federal actions

Operational readiness is the hallmark of the Marine Corps and environmental compliance is the key to sustaining and enhancing mission readiness and access to training environments. 

Commanding Officer's Environmental Policy

GEPA Permit Training Slides, November 9, 2023

Marine Corps Base Camp Blaz Environmental (MCBCB EV) Pre-construction “G” Submittal Tracker

Contractor Checklist for DoD DPRI Projects on Guam

Guam EPA - Environmental Summit Slides, November 4, 2022

GEPA MILCON Design Review Checklist


This environmental reference collection has been compiled to aid the public in reviewing our key legally-enforceable documents resulting from statutory or regulatory process as well as other policies that inform Camp Blaz decision-making. Although the documents are not meant to be an exhaustive library, we will endeavor to regularly update the collection over time as more agreements or consultations with relevant agencies are completed.

Marine relocation executive reference collection
Topic of Interest   Reference Title   Chapter/Section*
  • Range Purpose/Need
  • Range Alternatives/Selection
  • Range Orientation/Layout
  • Off-shore Fishing Impacts
  2015 Final Supplemental 
  LFTRC Alts (2/57-91), Land & Submerged Land Use (5/342-346), Recreational Resources
  2015  Record of Decision   Entire (1-28)
  2013  LFTRC Alt
Analysis Report
  Entire (1/1-8, 2/1-21, 3/1-27)
  • Access to Cultural Sites
  2014  Public Access Plan   Entire excl sites, PA
& appendices (1-10)
  2011 Programmatic Agreement   Entire excl signatures (1-37)
  • Protection of Native Threatened & Endangered Species/Habitat
Biological Opinion
  Conservation Measures (35-50, 143-145)
Biological Opinion
  Conservation Measures (36-46, 157-159, 163, App B)
GMK MOA Amendment
  Entire (1-2)
  • Socioeconomics
  2015 Final
  EXSUM (ES1-11)
  • Historic Preservation/ Cultural Resources Impacts/ Mitigation
  2015 Training Range
Review & Analysis
  LFTRC Alts (11-76)
  2015 Range
Mitigation Plan
  Entire (1-12, App A, App B)
  2011 Programmatic Agreement   Entire excl signatures (1-37)
  • Guam Cultural Repository
  2015 EAC
Implementation Plan
  EXSUM (4), Projects (4-5),
Mitigation Details (24-29)
  • SDZ Establishment
  2014 Guam Military
Training & Readiness Act
  Entire (1-5)
  • Other Commitments
  2013 CMCC
Operating Charte
  Entire excl signatures & appendices (1-18)
  2011 GBU
Four Pillars Letter
  Entire (1)
  • Summary of Public Concerns
  2017 Resolution
  Entire (1-5)
  2017 Bordallo-SECDEF Letter   Entire (1-3)
  • Endangered Species Act Compliance
  Navy 2023 Annual Report for Relocation Biological Opinion
  Entire (1-23)
  20JUL22 Navy Response to NOI to Sue under ESA   Entire (1) 
  2022 Joint Region Marianas Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan   Entire (1-960)
  Navy 2022 Annual Report for Relocation Biological Opinion
  Entire (1-18)
  Navy 2021 Annual Report for Relocation Biological Opinion (BO)   Entire (1-17)
  Navy 2020 Annual Report for Relocation Biological Opinion (BO)   Entire (1-23)
  2020 FWS Response to 2018 Navy Reinitiation of Relocation Biological Opinion (BO)   Entire (1-10)
  Navy 2019 Annual Report for Relocation Biological Opinion (BO)   Annual Report (1-14)
  Navy 2018 Annual Report for Relocation Biological Opinion (BO)   Entire (1-19)
  2018 FWS Response to 2018 Navy Reinitiation of Relocation Biological Opinion (BO)   Entire (1-7)
  Navy 2017 Annual Report for Relocation Biological Opinion (BO)   Entire (1-3)
  Navy 2016 Annual report for Relocation Biological Opinion (BO)   ​Entire (1)
  2015 Navy-Fish and Wildlife Service Guam Micronesia Kingfisher MOA (as amended)   Entire (1-11)
  • Additional Resources:
  2023 Environmental Assessment for Firefighter Training Facility   Entire (1-344)
  2010 Final EIS   EXSUM (ES 1-59)
Record of Decision
  Summ, Public Involvment, LFTRC Alts (1-22), Impacts (32-75), Comment Response (106-108), Trg Rqmts (122-141)